Dick Move

Energised by a strong community fighting for important social change and a need to turn late night political chat into action, Dick Move was formed in the depths of Karangahape Road’s Whammy Bar, and has become an essential party-punk voice for working people — and for all those that are fired up to make change in the world.
Dick Move spit out short sharp hot takes that call to the increasingly messed up world around them. Notorious already for their pumping live shows, Dick Move’s catalogue of blink-and-you’ll-miss-it punk anthems are cutting, confronting, empowering and dripping with brash cheekiness and political angst.
'Wet' (2023) is the band's second studio release and makes a welcome addition to Dick Move’s catalogue. 'Wet' follows on from their 2020 debut 'Chop!'. The 13 tracks on 'Wet' were lovingly produced, recorded and mixed by Peter Ruddell (Wax Chattels, Sulfate) at The Beths’ studio on Karangahape Road, and mastered by Wellington legend James Goldsmith.
Maintaining momentum as socialist-party punk agitators is challenging to say the least, but Dick Move will keep doing what they do best; shouting across oceans from the bottom of the world about things that matter, in a thick kiwi accent.